Virtual Events for Businesses

As one of the most valued activities in the business sector, corporate events and conferences bring opportunities for businesses to not only have meetings, but also generate contacts, create visibility and further develop communication.


Virtual Events: An opportunity for growth and visibility

As one of the most valued activities in the business sector, corporate events, and conferences bring opportunities for businesses to not only have meetings but also generate contacts, create visibility, and further develop communication. The evolution of the Internet has improved the quality of business events over time, even allowing them to take place directly on the web. Online meetings generate a whole new level of opportunity, allowing participants to overcome the high cost of travel and conference fees while simultaneously encouraging higher participation, amongst many other points.

Other technological advances have prompted many entrepreneurs and business owners to be more innovative with their online events. This has led them to the world of revolutionary Virtual Events. Launching an online conference, whether it be hosted by experts on a specific topic or by employees themselves, is a more profound way for event participants to acquire knowledge, talk, interact, and learn through a virtual platform. Just the simple fact that attendees have access to the Virtual Event from any device, be it a smartphone, tablet, or computer, demonstrates the power of virtual events vs traditional ones.

Must-Haves for Virtual Events

Just like in face-to-face events, a Virtual Event requires the right amount of preparation in order to be successful. Proper planning is a must and a series of factors should be taken into account in order for the event to ‘wow’ attendees.

1. Attendee attraction

Given that a Virtual Event takes place on a screen, a virtual event planner should take into account the amount of time the event attendees will spend in front of a device and the quality of images they see. It’s highly recommended to host your online event on a virtual platform that is visually attractive and in which images, graphics, and interactive avatars capture the attention of the attendees, enticing them to continue on with the experience.

The development of 3D platforms also allows us for further immersion in content by creating spaces in which the attendees can acquire knowledge in a different and entertaining way.

It’s important to facilitate access to everyone who wants to be part of the event. To do so, it’s necessary to create a simple and intuitive space, avoiding the presence of technical obstacles at the time of entry and throughout the entire event. Another aspect that must be taken care of is the quality of images and audio content that is transmitted. Be sure there are no interruptions in both your visual and audio communication methods.

2. Facilitating interaction

This is one of the fundamental points of the event. The virtual world provides a unique space for participation. For this reason, live videos, group chats, or buttons for document downloads can help foster more participant interaction. Contact with organizers and speakers should also be facilitated, always keeping in mind the opportunity for all participants to network in real-time.

For this to happen, it’s necessary to create an online event in which attendees can easily find and understand the scheduling with all the details in order to participate and make use of the content they find.

3. Data collection and analysis

Everything that happens in a virtual event is quantifiable. During a Virtual Event, data can be more easily obtained for later analysis. In the virtual world, this action is simpler to access and more detailed because it allows you to track each attendee, knowing which conferences they have attended, how long they stayed at each event, and the actions in which they performed; data that is near impossible at a physical event.

What are the Benefits of Virtual Events?

If everything goes according to plan (and it likely will if you follow our advice), the first benefit you get from a Virtual Event is visibility. Enhanced visibility through social media shares will heighten the impact of the Virtual Event. The first step you’ll want to take prior to the event is to set up promotions on social media networks that are important to your sector. It’s also advisable to create a virtual training session in which all attendees are registered and have a bit of prior access to the content that will be discussed.

A successful event that captivates the attendees will be highly shareable and word will spread like wildfire about your virtual event. Organizers and participants will verbally and digitally be talking about it, creating a form of marketing for your current and future events. An event of this type is a unique opportunity to gain more subscribers.

The second benefit is industry recognition. If the audience who attended the event was satisfied with the result, the brand managed by the organization will achieve higher value within the sector.

In order for this to happen, it is essential to transmit quality content. Aside from rich visuals and multimedia, organizers should focus their attention on scheduling captivating speakers, who can attend & address audiences in the Virtual Event from the courtesy of their own homes.

Creating an online community can also be very beneficial. This is one of the best ways to get more followers in the networks of a business by creating contacts that can be a source of customers to be obtained in the medium and long term. It also serves to establish relationships with speakers who have a certain track record and influence in the sector. They can generate opportunities to expand the business and promote the products and services offered.

Finally, there is also the possibility of obtaining an economic benefit. If the organizers are already recognized in the sector, they can sell tickets to participate in the event, providing some keys to the people who want to access it. Another way to earn an income is to promote products and enable buttons so that purchases can be made during the course of the event.

Benefits for all virtual participants

Creating a virtual world for events launched by companies, such as Virtway, means that all participants can benefit from the event. In addition to the organizing team, attendees get more information about the industry, can enjoy exclusive promotions, and access quality content for free by watching interviews with experts or downloading documents containing specialized information. There is also the possibility that they can virtually network, get new contacts, and find new business and job opportunities through the Virtual Event. The benefit received by the participating experts turns into promotion and exhibition of their activity and knowledge. Everything leads them to gain new followers, promote their services, improve visibility, and increase their audience.

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