7 reasons to invest in Virtual Events in 2020


If we close our eyes and picture all the methods we use to communicate and interact with each other nowadays, surely one of the first thing that comes to mind is a mobile phone. And if not a phone a tablet, laptop or computer.

For years now, technology has marked the course of our actions, and we use it not only as a means of communication, but also for shopping, searching for any kind of information or as a means of entertainment and escape.

Work certainly doesn’t escape this premise. Increasingly, we take advantage of technological advances to more effectively carry out all the tasks that our professional career demands of us.

In addition, data is becoming more and more accessible at any time and place, and the greater the possibilities of accessing them in real-time, the sooner a future dominated by remote participation will arrive.

This is no new news to most companies, and most have been adapting to this digital landscape for years. The objective is clear: not to lag behind in the technological race and to be able to offer valuable services that allow them to stand out from the competition.

Companies are constantly looking for innovative strategies when it comes to implementing different actions. Event organization is one of the sectors that is evolving fastest in this sense, and the trend is marked with evidence of how companies are betting on virtual rather than traditional events.

Although this is a path that began some time ago, its growth has been exponential in recent years. And the commitment to online events doesn’t end here… the fun has only just begun.


Corporate events in 2020: Why they will be virtual

The advantages that a virtual world can offer overcome many of the limitations marked by physical events. Virtual event technology allows hundreds of people to be connected simultaneously from any type of device, and when accompanied by 3D applications, the participants of a virtual event can also interact with voice and movements.

But the benefits of virtual meetings for the corporate environment go much further than that. For this reason, it is essential that event organizers know them and know how to take full advantage of their potential.

These are the 7 main reasons why any company, regardless of its size or sector, must face 2020 by investing in online events rather than traditional ones:

1. Live streaming is a top trend

This data shows that live online events will mark much of the trends in holding webinars, virtual fairs or any type of corporate activity during 2020.

According to a recent study carried out to evaluate the behavior of social media users, regular Facebook consumers comment and interact 10 times more in live broadcasted videos. In fact, 80% say they prefer real-time online streaming over a company blog or traditional social networking posts.

2. Huge cost reduction

The Bank of Spain confirms that the world economy in 2019 has faced a “clear phase of deceleration”. At the business level, it is highly recommended that companies not overlook this data if they want to keep up with their business evolution and to begin preparation for a possible recession.

As a result, more and more organizations are researching how to save money with virtual events. One of the advantages of corporate meetings is the great reduction in costs compared to physical events, as it eliminates the costs of renting spaces and equipment, travel and accommodation.

3. Larger audience and increased visibility

Geographical and time barriers are a major constraint when organizing an event. However, virtual spaces make it easier for attendees to access remotely from any computer or mobile device with an Internet connection.

At the same time, they also make it possible to increase visibility: when it comes to promoting the event, the digital environment makes it possible to reach a greater number of users while simultaneously investmenting less money.

4. Comprehensive follow-up of event attendees

Any type of online event allows you to obtain measurable results. Real-time access to all participant data provides companies with effective information on ROI, allowing them to study and improve the quality of present and future events.

In addition, virtual events are great allies for event planners, as these professionals can survey participants and capture detailed information in order to collect valuable data from attendees to plan a personalized follow-up strategy.

5. Attendees are demanding personalized events

To really involve the public in such a competitive digital landscape, it’s essential that companies offering valuable experiences, aimed at each of the participants. Long gone are the days when events were designed for a single user profile. 

Today, companies are increasingly striving to provide personalized experiences based on on-demand content and spaces that allow attendees to interact. With immersive rooms and interactive chats, participants will be able to have real-time conversations and the company will be able to provide product details, answer questions and exchange comments. 

6. Immersive and unforgettable experiences

The main challenge of any corporate meeting is to completely grab hold of the event participants’ attention and online events have been designed by and for innovation. But for these experiences to be truly immersive, virtual worlds (like that of Virtway) have created an essential element that tops techniques in business-education entertainment: 3D virtual avatars

They are a unique way of giving life to any creative training event, as they are graphic images that represent a person in a virtual world. The ways in which a virtual avatar can interact are infinite, and they can even have conversations and speak through voice over IP in a natural way, exchange any kind of information, and even express their emotions through animations, such as applause or greetings.

7. Multiple application scenarios  

More and more companies are betting on Virtual Reality events, and the more popular the use of this technology becomes, the more creative their applications evolve. That said, there are many immersive experiences designed for corporate environments.

The formulas to achieve this are to facilitate applications of VoIP technology, video and chat, which allows for participants to ask questions and have them resolved in real-time. Therefore, this type of event is the best alternative to conducting online conferences, virtual business classrooms, team-building activities, meetings with remote teams, or any type of corporate action.

The integration of the virtual world with corporate events is a guarantee for success, not only at the level of infrastructure and cost savings but because it is able to offer innovative alternatives in immersive environments. This combination allows companies to recreate experiences out of the ordinary, something that will allow them to stand out from the competition and make a niche in an increasingly changing market. 

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