Millennials in the Workplace


How to motivate this new generation

The Millennial Generation is considered to be the driving force behind tomorrow’s changes, making their influence on companies increasingly important. They live and grew up in a completely integrated digital world, using new technologies not only as a tool for socialization but also as an essential element in their work environment.

Entrepreneurs know that the innovation, productivity and profitability of their companies depends largely on these talented youngsters, so more and more resources are being invested in attracting and retaining these talented folks of the future.

But do we profoundly know who the Millennials are, what values they have and what challenges motivate them? This is the question every company should be asking themselves if they want to make the most of Millennials in the workplace.

The Spirit and Values of the Millennials

This young group of people is defined with some very characteristic features that differentiate them from previous generations. As highly skilled individuals, they live in a hyper-connected society and have an elevated social and ethical awareness.

These are the main traits that mark their personality and behavior in the workplace:

Prepared and Entrepreneurial

The Millennials know that their formation and training are the key that will allow them to enter the business market and achieve success. For this reason, they are constantly learning and advancing. They know how to recycle themselves and the importance of renewing their knowledge in order to face new challenges.

Many of them become entrepreneurs, with innovative ideas that set trends in the way businesses are managed. Unlike their predecessors, they are demanding. They know what they want and are not willing to wait long to achieve it.

Technological and connected

The great advantage of the Millennial generation is that they haven’t had to adapt to the technology irruption since they were born with it already existing. They are digital natives and this marks their lifestyle in all aspects, both their personal and professional life, considering that for both leisure and work, the Internet is their tool and their way of contact.

Tolerant and committed

Another trait that defines a Millennial’s personality is their critical mindset. They consider collaboration, commitment and tolerance as values that should never be lacking in our society. They bring this attitude to the professional field, forming the reason why Millennials prefer to work in teams, where tasks are carried out together to achieve a common goal.

Creative and idealists

This young generation greatly value their personal lives and by no means are they afraid of change. It’s essential that they are able to identify with the meaning of their work, and if they don’t see opportunities for growth and development within it, or if they notice that their work interferes too much with their quality of life, they will look for other ways out.

In fact, many Millennials opt for remote working models and others develop their profession as freelancers, to feel independent and mark their own times.

Keys to Retaining the Talented Millennials in the Workplace

metaverse meetings

Knowing the characteristics that define this generation is essential to make the most of their talent. The fact is that this group will represent the majority of the companies’ workforce and their hiring implies important opportunities, but also great challenges.

For this reason, managers must strive to know how to work with Millennials. Motivation is the main key: They are not only looking for a successful career, but also for an experience that is rewarding for them and that increases their commitment to the company.

To achieve this and know how to motivate Millennials in the workplace it’s fundamental that companies follow these steps:

Offer flexibility

Providing a schedule that allows for a work-life balance is beyond important to a Millennial, who also values mobility and flexibility.

They’re not huge fans of developing their profession in traditional offices, but rather prefer to do it remotely, either from home or co-working space with other professionals, which boosts their creativity and productivity.

Encourage teamwork

These talented youngsters have been educated with the mindset that when people collaborate, everything is achieved better and faster. This is exactly why they are motivated to share decisions among all members of the group, promoting a 100% collaborative culture and in return feel that they are an active part of the company.

Create opportunities for learning and development

Millennials need to be in constant motion and above all, in a continuous state of learning and development. Company directors and HR teams must offer training plans that help them strengthen their knowledge and create new skills.

Millennials and Technology: Two Inseparable Terms

The Millennial Generation are digital natives, so they enjoy learning and working in technological environments. The best way to motivate a Millennial is through interactive platforms that can be accessed remotely and at any time.

Being a generation defined by technology, any type of virtual activity that simulates real-world processes is undoubtedly the best way to access them. An online meeting, virtual training activity, video conference interviews, chats, interactive games… the options are very varied yet endless. But they all have something in common: access has to be remote, via computer, mobile or tablet.

These activities can take place during or outside of working hours with informal meetings with the purpose of interacting with peers and sharing experiences. In this sense, the experiences of Team Building online are a perfect alternative for Millennials. These practices focus mainly on fostering teamwork through virtual environments that connect physically separated people.

Whether the objective is to create activities focused on work tasks (either by participating in a webinar or webcast), or if the aim is more recreational (such as those proposed by the Team Building online), it is important to have the support of a 3D platform that allows the development of a real and tangible virtual world, as is the case of Virtway, which offers the most advanced technology for all types of remote activities, from small meetings to large events.

The options are never-ending and are aimed at providing Millennials with stimulating online experiences. One of its highlights is the creation of interactive 3D avatars, which simulate each of the participants in a life-like manner. They can be used throughout the platform in different group actions aimed at virtual training, from team meetings to conferences or interactive games.


The ultimate goal is to motivate Millennials in the workplace, a group that is shaping the future of business and needs formulas designed specifically to meet their needs. This is the challenge that companies must face if they want to take advantage of all that Millennials can contribute. A big challenge, yes, but also a very stimulating one.ed

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